Monday, March 5, 2012

Thrift Store Score!

Most folks out here in the real world know that my wife and I are fanatical when it comes to vintage. We love vinyl records, old books, 'modern' furniture and a whole variety of stuff. We enjoy mixing old and new products in our home to give it a funky and unique feel.

Tonight we went thrift-hunting at one of our favorite stores. A store that my good friend and fellow RPG'er Jim introduced us to and which I refuse to tell anyone else about. Mostly because I don't want them getting any of the good stuff. It's terrible, I know.

But I digress, let's move on to the meat of the story! While browsing the store we managed to pick up more than our fair share of great stuff including a few RPG and fantasy related items!

The contraband!

We purchased two NES games, still boxed with instructions. The first is The Adventure of Link and the second game is Crystalis. I own a few NES consoles and consider myself a retro gaming fan. I definitely plan on setting some time aside to play Crystalis, as I've played Link more than enough times.

Next up we found a short stack of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons and Dragonlance comic books. While I am not a huge comic book fan there are a few series I enjoy. I'll most likely give them a few reads and then my wife and I will use them in our top secret art project.

Finally, we picked up a well-used copy of the book Gnomes by Wil Huygen. This fascinating Dutch book tells all about the secret lives of the diminutive humanoids. The art is amazing and the storytelling top-notch. Not a bad haul at all!

-On a personal note, really good thrift/second hand stores are becoming harder to come by. Nowadays it seems people are more likely to throw their stuff away rather than host a yard sale or donate it to a charity like Goodwill or The Salvation Army. We live in a world where everything is disposable and people toss out perfectly good stuff for a slightly upgraded model. There's too much plastic in the world - donate your unwanted junk and buy used! 

Until next time, good night and good gaming!   


  1. Rien Poortvilet, who illustrated the Gnomes book has written and illustrated a book about book about daily life in the Netherlands in 1556. If you like that kind of stuff, I can only recommend looking for that one, it's gorgeous and really fascinating.

  2. You certainly do seem to be lucky in finding these discarded treasures. Nowadays folks seem a bit more savvy with such stuff, placing them on eBay and asking crazy prices for them. Though saying that, I have noticed a trend in charity shops for doing the same. Where once upon a time you could be sure of a good bargain from a charity/thrift shop, now their pricing is as almost as high as the main shopping outlets.
