Thursday, November 15, 2012

Bullets and Bridesmaids

This past weekend I was lucky to experience an RPG I've never played before. It wasn't fantasy themed, the only dice involved had six sides, there were no complicated maps and there was only one book! The game I'm talking about is...

Image property of Bully Pulpit Games.

Fiasco is a GM-less roleplaying game from Bully Pulpit Games that plops players down into a variety of scenarios, assigning them roles and relationships through luck of the dice. Once the settings are all sorted out the game takes on a life of it's own as players act out various scenes in turn. While there are only a few scenarios in the book, you can play each one numerous times and have a completely different story and outcome every single time!
In one session my wife, Noah and I played the roles of wedding participants. Ironically, Noah and I played a former TV-queen and the bride while Beck played the groom - a famous TV bounty hunter! Starting simply, the game evolved into a multi-layered plot where the bride and TV star schemed to make the groom look like an abusive monster. Their plan was to ruin his reputation and divorce him for profit! There were flashbacks to the groom's murderous past and backstabbing on behalf of the TV queen. At one point the bride had enraged the groom so much she had to run, afraid for her life! Unfortunately the former starlet was waiting for her, and may have 'accidentally' tripped her in the stairwell. The blushing bride fell to her demise. 
The former starlet managed to convince the groom to hide the body in his room. Confused and afraid, he went on an all night bender, drowning his guilt in drugs and alcohol.

The next morning everyone was assembled at the church... except for the former star, the bride and the groom. Moments before calling it off, the doors crashed open and in came the groom atop his giant motorcycle! He was wearing a white bride's veil and armed to the teeth! It was a massacre! He was brought own by police who arrived on the scene in a most brutal and cinematic way.

The TV queen on the other hand, got away scott free and published a book about the whole event. Her career was revitalized and she went on to lead a very lucrative Hollywood life!

Phew! As you can see, for such a simple game it can get pretty involved. We later tried out the High School setting with our friend Tom joining in but I feel that session may have ended up a bit too mature to post here. Fiasco is definitely a winner in my book!

Until next time, happy gaming! 

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